Our Goals
This beach isn't just any beach, it's everyone's beach. On this beach we have an ocean, an ocean we share with the entire world. As the founders, along with many vendors of Riis Beach Cooperative, come from the Rockaway Peninsula, we feel it is our duty to protect and preserve this special place, and the entire world - at all costs. Riis Park is known as "the peoples beach" but it's important to remember that we share this space with the nature and wildlife that call this park home.
We encourage our guests to travel by bike, bring reusable water bottles, and please remember that if you pack it in, you have to pack it out.
Below you can see our sustainability pledge that we and all of our vendors have agreed to follow.
Vendor Sustainability Pledge
The environment is a key aspect of how we run our businesses and having a positive impact is at the essence of who we are as a team. A sustainability mindset will be weaved throughout our operations, design, decisions, and management at every level of the organization. Furthermore, as locals, we have a deep respect for our waters and land with all intentions to keep it pristine.
Our priority is to keep the planet healthy and ensure that we live in harmony with the natural environment. We recognize our share of accountability and accept the responsibility of doing our best to leave a net-positive impact within the place we operate.
In spirit with the strategic goals set forth within the NPS Climate Change Response Strategy, The Green Parks Plan, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we will do everything within our power to draw down our carbon footprint and enhance the sustainability of operations and existing infrastructure. We understand that we must do our part in order to ensure this land is unimpaired for the enjoyment of current and future generations.
As per the 2021 Sustainable Development Goals good practices and reports on sustainable consumer behavior, sustainability issues for the practice of dining out can be discussed from environmental, social, and economic perspectives. In the environmental dimension, the practice is discussed in relation to climate change, the depletion of natural resources, and the generation of both organic and non-organic waste.
We have instituted a green food packaging program, that requires all takeout containers and utensils including but not limited to cups, lids, plates, bowls, straws, utensils, bags, are sourced from a list of approved products and suppliers.
2023 Year Goals
1. We agree to eliminate all consumer-facing single-use plastics that cannot be
100% recycled, composted, or naturally biodegraded - including but not limited to water bottles, food containers, lids, utensils,
cutlery, ramekins, and straws.
2. No expanded Polystyrene will be used (styrofoam)
3. No plastic bags are used for takeout or to-go-orders
4. Beverages are not sold in plastic bottles
5. Proper Recycling practices are followed
We also aim to satisfy three additional criteria:
-A discount is offered for customers with the reusable items (cup, container, bag)
-Vegetarian and Vegan food options are offered on a regular basis
-All seafood is “Best Choice” or “Good Alternative” as defined by SeafoodWatch, or no
seafood is served*.
-Water conservation and pollution mitigation efforts are implemented**
-Energy efficiency efforts are taken place***
* Locally sourced, sustainable seafood is preferred and should be prioritized when
Seafood Watch recommendations do not apply.
** Examples include installing low-flow faucets and toilets, offering drinking water upon
request only, no hosing down outside to reduce urban runoff, proper disposal of FOG, and up-to-date septic or sewage to prevent wastewater pollution.
*** Examples include switching to LED lighting, installing solar panels, using Energy
Star certified appliances and/or other efforts to use less energy.
If you have any ideas, suggestions, etc - please feel free to contact us at the email below.